Christians Seeking To Bring New Life Into Their Bible Reading Time And Grow In Their Faith…

The Bible Study Roadmap

Discover The Ultimate “Roadmap” To Kickstart Your Bible Study And Start Growing In Your Relationship With God Just One Hour From Now…

Discover how a ONE HOUR Bible training course can revolutionize how you study the Bible for life!

Keep Reading To Learn More

Sometimes We Have To Admit That We Feel STUCK In Our Spiritual Walk…

There are those times in life where you feel like you’re doing everything you possibly can to draw closer to God, but nothing seems to work…

You keep attending church every Sunday…

You’re a part of a small group…

You try to do your best to read the bible every day…

You’re staying consistent in prayer…

But, for some reason things just aren’t clicking in your faith journey.

I don’t want you to get discouraged because the truth is, you are not alone.

After helping hundreds of thousands of believers to learn the Bible and unlock its deeper truths…

I can honestly say that more often than not, where Christians struggle the most is in their Bible reading time.

Some say reading the Bible is “boring”…

Others just don’t get very far because they open up to a random page or book in the Bible and jump into their reading for the day…

And I get it. Studying the Bible, the living word of God, can be quite intimidating.

But that leads me to the main thing that I want to share with you today.

The #1 Factor That Holds People Back In Their Bible Study Is NOT Having A Plan…

As a believer you know that you want to dive deeper into your faith to learn more of God’s word, and begin to know how to discern what His truth really is…

You want to be more confident in your knowledge of scripture, and even more so, you want to spend more time with the Lord.

You have a hunger to get to know the character of Jesus and how He reveals Himself to us throughout the Bible.

You want to know how to find the answers to your questions about daily life by reading through scripture.

But the problem is, without a strategic “Roadmap” to get you there, unfortunately it will take you a VERY long time and lots of effort…

And without any guidance, you may never reach your destination.

That’s where I want to be the one to help you finally get where you want to be in your faith journey.

So, by now you may be wondering, who am I and why should you even listen to me?

Founder Of Let’s Equip, INC. & The B.E.A.T.

My Name Is Allen Parr, The Founder Of Let’s Equip, INC. & The B.E.A.T. Where I’ve Equipped Hundreds Of Thousands Of Believers With The Tools & Training To Live The Christian Life.

I absolutely love what God has called me to do which is to help grow His Kingdom. By His grace, He’s allowed me to impact people around the globe.

Just so you know a little about me, I’ve been honored to be able to teach the Bible for over 25 years now. I’m a licensed and ordained minister who graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology degree.

I also started The BEAT on YouTube, and it’s grown far past anything I could have ever imagined when I started.

This online Bible teaching ministry now has almost 1 million subscribers worldwide.

Along with all of that fun stuff, I’ve left the best for last. I’m so very grateful to be happily married to my beautiful wife Jennifer and am also the proud father of our daughter Anaiah and son Micah.

I’m just a regular guy with a Bible hoping to bring as many people to come to know Christ and then understand His word to fully live out the Christian life!

“The Bible Study Roadmap” Is The Perfect Place For You To Start If…

You've never read the Bible before but have the desire to not only learn its principles and teachings, but start applying them to your own life.

You've been a Christian for a while, but you’ve never really been taught how to study the Bible and don’t know where to start.

You enjoy reading the Bible, but now you are ready for a “Done-For-You” guide that helps you truly study it.

You don’t have a spiritual mentor readily available to teach you how to get the most out of your Bible reading time.

You want to understand the basics of studying the Bible.
(Which translation to read, How to study certain characters & topics, etc.)

Here’s What’s Included In
“The Bible Study Roadmap”
1-Hour Mini-Course:

Once you join this truly life-changing course, you’ll get INSTANT access to 8 extremely practical and value-packed trainings.

These training modules are specifically designed to fast track your knowledge of the Bible, how to study it properly, and how to grow in your relationship with God.

Training #1:

How We Got Our Bible

In this training I’ll break down how we got the 66 books that we call “The Bible” today.

You’ll learn exactly what process the early church went through to discern which books were inspired and should be included in what we call the canon, or the Bible.

Training #2:

How To Have A 30-Minute Devotional

In this powerful training, I’ll share with you the exact proprietary formula I personally use to have a 30-minute devotional.

I even go into detail and break down exactly how to use each minute of the 30 minutes so that your devotional time with God can be impactful, but doesn’t have to take a very long time.

You’ll also be given a downloadable worksheet to use over and over again for your devotionals moving forward. 

Training #3:

Keys To An Effective Bible Study

This is one of the most powerful trainings where I show you the key things you MUST do BEFORE you even open up your Bible to ensure you are able to hear God’s voice speaking to you while you study the word of God.

These keys are essential for you to maximize your time with God and experience explosive growth in your knowledge of the word.

This training comes with a downloadable worksheet for you to dive into before your study of the word of God.

Training #4:

How To Use The 5 Essential Bible Tools

This training is essential for any serious student of the word of God.

This training will not only tell you the 5 necessary tools you must know how to use to study the Bible, but will also show you step by step HOW to master the use of these tools in your own personal Bible study. 

Training #5:

What Translation Should I Read?

This training will help you nail the right translation for you depending on where you are on your journey of studying the word of God. 

I’ll break down the different types of translations so you’ll be crystal clear on how to choose the right one for you.

Training #6:

How To Do A Topical Study

Have you ever wondered, “what does the Bible say about ___ ?” In this very in-depth training, I’ll show you my secret strategy for doing a topical Bible study. I’ll show you the exact tools and techniques you’ll need to master in order to study the Bible by topics you may be curious to learn more about.

This training will also help you figure out the specific topics you need to study by answering 4 simple and straightforward questions. This training comes with a downloadable template for you to use again and again for any future topical studies you want to do in your Bible study.

Training #7:

How To Do A Character Study

For all of you who want to learn more about a certain character in the Bible, this is for you!

This high-level training will show you my proven system with step-by-step instructions for studying any character in the Bible and some practical ways for you to apply their experience to your own personal life.

Dig in and download the template you can use for your personal study of any Biblical character.

Training #8:

Mistakes To Avoid When Studying The Bible

Want to avoid all the mistakes and headaches myself and many other Christians had to make when they started studying the Bible?

This training will equip you with the wisdom you need to be a better student of the word of God from the start by giving you my top 10 mistakes every Bible reader must avoid.

The unfortunate truth is that many people reading their Bible aren’t even aware that they’re reading and interpreting the Bible incorrectly.

This training will guide you through proper Biblical interpretation principles to ensure you get the correct and accurate understanding of the Bible.

And here’s the best part…


Worksheets, Checklists And Cheat sheets

Going through a course while watching someone else teach can be a very effective way to learn. However, it is our belief that the best way to learn something new is to practice it. For this reason, we have included in this course several worksheets, checklists, and cheat sheets with assignments specifically designed to help you get the most out of this program. 

So, be sure to not only download these invaluable resources, but go through each exercise to start seeing immediate results. And, the great thing about these worksheets is that you can reuse them again and again in your Bible study for a lifetime. 

You Can Get Started Inside

“The Bible Study Roadmap” For…

only $47

This “Roadmap” Will Transform Your Bible Study In 14 Days OR Your Money Back!

Try the Bible Study Roadmap out and if during the first 14 days of purchase you don’t LOVE it, get 100% of your money back…

You have nothing to lose!

Here is why I’m SO passionate about this program…

It’s because I know how my understanding of the Bible and the depth I’m now able to study the Bible at has been revolutionized since I learned these strategies I’m going to show you inside of this course. 

More importantly, my life has changed because of how I can hear God speaking to me. And, most importantly, I can now help other people get that same transformation.

My friend, I DESPERATELY want you to have the same experience. For our full refund policy, click here.

Are You Ready To Invest In Your Spiritual Journey, Kickstart Your Bible Study, And FINALLY Grow In Your Relationship With God?

If so, I’m ready to go on that journey with you!

And if you’re still hesitant and thinking…

But…why should I have to pay for this?”

“Can’t I learn it on my own?”

You can certainly try.

You can sift through a ton of videos and books that may teach you a thing or two about getting started with your Bible Study.

But what happens after that? You’re still left alone trying to figure this out all by yourself…

I promise you, it’s so much easier and much more enjoyable when you have practical, step-by-step trainings, and a coach who is ready to guide you along the way.

I’m more than ready to show you how to kickstart your Bible study and I’m totally committed to helping you experience the same joy I did when I first learned how to study the Bible the RIGHT way.

And let’s be real for a second…

I’m sure you’ve invested in many things far less important than your own spiritual life.

It’s time to invest where it matters most–your relationship with God.

Instead of thinking of the price, pray and ask God if this is something He wants you to invest in at this time, and then trust Him to provide for you.

With easy-to-use resource guides, checklists, and worksheets you can use for a lifetime, you will be well equipped with a simple, yet strategic plan to study the Bible!

It would be my sincere honor if you would allow me to hold your hand every step of the way and show you the EXACT step-by-step strategies to give your Bible study the kickstart it needs!

Are you ready to start learning strategies that will help you uncover a deeper meaning of the Bible so that you can experience tremendous spiritual growth in your life?

Click the link below to get INSTANT access to the course, hit the ground running and allow me to coach you as we go on this journey together!

Get Started Inside “The Bible Study Roadmap” For

$47 only

($97 Value)

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Ready To Start Reading Your Bible In
A Way That You NEVER Have Before?

Join “The Bible Study Roadmap” For $47 only

($97 Value)