Can Christians get tattoos? Anytime you ask a question like this, you’ll have two extremes. The legalists will say you’ll go to hell if you get a tattoo. The other extreme of Christians will say they can get any image on their body they want with no restrictions because they’re free in Christ. In the middle is a happy medium called “balance.”
Here’s the verse most people who oppose tattoos will go to:
You should not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves, I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:28
As much as I love the New American Standard translation, as well as some other English translations, I must admit in this case, the King James Version got it right! The word tattoo wasn’t even in our language until the 1700s, so here’s what the KJV says:
Ye shall not make any cuttings on your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you, I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:28
This is a great example of how important context is. You can make the Bible say anything if you rip verses out of context. Let’s go back some:
You shall not wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.
Leviticus 19:19
Do not eat meat that has not been drained of its blood.
Leviticus 19:26
Do not trim off the hair on your temples or trim your beards.
Leviticus 19:27
A little research here tells us God gave this message to Israel shortly after they broke free from Egyptian bondage. They were still susceptible to the temptation of going back to pagan practices they left—such as cutting themselves for the dead and worshiping idols.
Instead of setting up legalistic rules with out-of-context verses, let’s ask these questions:
What is your purpose for wanting to get a tattoo?
Are you trying to compete with others? Or, are you having an emotional response to a relationship that failed? Maybe you’re rebelling against your parents? Is it about superficial beauty? If your motivation isn’t right, you probably should not do it.
What message are you communicating with your tattoo?
If you’re getting a skull and bones, or new age theology, or naked women, or whatever else that’s ungodly, you should avoid that as a Christian because it will send the wrong message to others.
Are you enticing someone to lust with your tattoo?
The actual image on your body could spark lust, as well as the location of the tattoo. For example, if a woman puts a tattoo near her breasts or other private area, that could trigger someone to lust.
Will you want this tattoo years from now?
Will you be content with how you look at age 60 if your body is all tatted up? Don’t just make the decision for the short-term, think about down the road as well.
There’s nothing that says getting a tattoo is a sin, but it has to send the right message and be done for the right motivation. And if you’re a Christian without a tattoo, be careful not to judge other Christians who might have tattoos. God is much more concerned with what’s going on inside our hearts, not as much on what our bodies look like.
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